Monday, March 7, 2016

Waterman of India- Sri.Rajendra Singh at Pondicherry

Pondicherry Science Forum with a host of voluntary organisations and NGOs, govt. departments, farmers' associations, activist groups from Puducherry, Auroville, Villupuram and Cuddalore (PAVC) which forms a bioregion came together to form a People's Collective called the All for WATER for All (All for Water, Water for All) and launched a sever week long Water Festival 2016.

This was launched on the 2nd February 2016, the World Wetlands' Day and will go upto 22nd March 2016 which is the World Water Day.

The entire bioregion is divided into 7 sub regions and in each bioregion 7 days of activities would be held - total 7 sub regions and 7 weeks - to have a massive outreach programme to reach out to the children, women, youth, farmers, and the general public - to create an effective awareness programme around water in the entire bioregion.

In this connection, we had the Waterman of India - Sri.Rajendra Singh visiting Pondicherry on the 5th of March 2016 where he joined a team of bird watching in the morning around the Ousitteri Lake, the largest lake in Pondicherry. Later he interacted with the public at Sharanam near Ousitteri Lake.

He appreciated the efforts of the All for WATER for All collective and individual and collective efforts of Pondicherrians in protecting its water resources.

Some photos of Sri Rajendra Singhji during his interactions.


  1. Dear Raghu,
    Glad to see you on this blog post. Did you visit Sharanam recently ? I completed the first phase of the building in mid 2014. How have you been ? Would love to hear back from you. Thanks, Trupti Doshi, Architect, Sharanam

  2. Dear Trupti, Yes, I had been there in February this year - first to see the venue to fix Rajendra Singh's programme and then for the programme itself on the 5th of March 2016. Yes, it had evolved beautifully from what we saw couple of years back when I visited along with Anirudhan. By the way, where are you now? Keep in touch.. Regards, Raghu.


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